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function RandomQuoteByInterval($TimeBase, $QuotesArray){ // Make sure it is a integer $TimeBase = intval($TimeBase); // How many items are in the array"htmlcode">// Use the day of the year to get a daily changing // quote changing (z = 0 till 365) $DayOfTheYear = date('z'); // You could also use: // --> date('m'); // Quote changes every month // --> date('h'); // Quote changes every hour // --> date('i'); // Quote changes every minute // Example array with some random quotes $RandomQuotes = array( 'No animals were harmed in the making of this snippet.', 'Nice snippets', 'The modulus operator rocks!', 'PHP is cool.' ); print RandomQuoteByInterval($DayOfTheYear, $RandomQuotes);希望本文所述对大家的php程序设计有所帮助。
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