要安装tkinter模块,我们在命令提示符下使用了pip install命令:
pip install tkinter
- 导入模块
- 初始化窗口
- 检查结果的功能
- 检查获胜者的功能
- 定义标签和按钮
from tkinter import * import tkinter.messagebox as msg
root= Tk() root.title('TIC-TAC-TOE---DataFlair') digits = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] mark = '' “ count = 0 panels = ["panel"]*10
- Tk()用于初始化窗口
- title()用于设置窗口的标题
def win(panels,sign): return ((panels[1] == panels[2] == panels [3] == sign) or (panels[1] == panels[4] == panels [7] == sign) or (panels[1] == panels[5] == panels [9] == sign) or (panels[2] == panels[5] == panels [8] == sign) or (panels[3] == panels[6] == panels [9] == sign) or (panels[3] == panels[5] == panels [7] == sign) or (panels[4] == panels[5] == panels [6] == sign) or (panels[7] == panels[8] == panels [9] == sign))
def checker(digit): global count, mark, digits if digit==1 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mar button1.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==2 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button2.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==3 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button3.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==4 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button4.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==5 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button5.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==6 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button6.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==7 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button7.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==8 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button8.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==9 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button9.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if(count>8 and win(panels,'X')==False and win(panels,'O')==False): msg.showinfo("Result","Match Tied") root.destroy()
- 如果count的值为偶数,则玩家1将玩,否则玩家2将玩。
- config()用于用适当的文本标记按钮
- messagebox小部件中的showinfo()方法用于显示一些相关信息
- destroy()停止mainloop退出程序
Label(root,text="player1 : X",font="times 15").grid(row=0,column=1) Label(root,text="player2 : O",font="times 15").grid(row=0,column=2) button1=Button(root,width=15,font=('Times 16 bold'),height=7,command=lambda:checker(1)) button1.grid(row=1,column=1) button2=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda:checker(2)) button2.grid(row=1,column=2) button3=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(3)) button3.grid(row=1,column=3) button4=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(4)) button4.grid(row=2,column=1) button5=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(5)) button5.grid(row=2,column=2) button6=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(6)) button6.grid(row=2,column=3) button7=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(7)) button7.grid(row=3,column=1) button8=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(8)) button8.grid(row=3,column=2) button9=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(9)) button9.grid(row=3,column=3) root.mainloop()
- root是我们引用的窗口的名称
- 文本存储我们在标签上显示的值
- 文字所使用的字体
- 单击按钮时将调用命令
- lambda()函数用于将特定数据发送到回调函数。
from tkinter import * import tkinter.messagebox as msg root= Tk() root.title('TIC-TAC-TOE---Project Gurukul') #labels Label(root,text="player1 : X",font="times 15").grid(row=0,column=1) Label(root,text="player2 : O",font="times 15").grid(row=0,column=2) digits = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] #for player1 sign = X and for player2 sign= Y mark = '' #counting the no. of click count = 0 panels = ["panel"]*10 def win(panels,sign): return ((panels[1] == panels[2] == panels [3] == sign) or (panels[1] == panels[4] == panels [7] == sign) or (panels[1] == panels[5] == panels [9] == sign) or (panels[2] == panels[5] == panels [8] == sign) or (panels[3] == panels[6] == panels [9] == sign) or (panels[3] == panels[5] == panels [7] == sign) or (panels[4] == panels[5] == panels [6] == sign) or (panels[7] == panels[8] == panels [9] == sign)) def checker(digit): global count, mark, digits #Check which button clicked if digit==1 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) ##player1 will play if the value of count is even and for odd player2 will play if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button1.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==2 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button2.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==3 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button3.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==4 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button4.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==5 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button5.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==6 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button6.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==7 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button7.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==8 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button8.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() if digit==9 and digit in digits: digits.remove(digit) if count%2==0: mark ='X' panels[digit]=mark elif count%2!=0: mark = 'O' panels[digit]=mark button9.config(text = mark) count = count+1 sign = mark if(win(panels,sign) and sign=='X'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player1 wins") root.destroy() elif(win(panels,sign) and sign=='O'): msg.showinfo("Result","Player2 wins") root.destroy() ###if count is greater then 8 then the match has been tied if(count>8 and win(panels,'X')==False and win(panels,'O')==False): msg.showinfo("Result","Match Tied") root.destroy() ####define buttons button1=Button(root,width=15,font=('Times 16 bold'),height=7,command=lambda:checker(1)) button1.grid(row=1,column=1) button2=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda:checker(2)) button2.grid(row=1,column=2) button3=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(3)) button3.grid(row=1,column=3) button4=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(4)) button4.grid(row=2,column=1) button5=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(5)) button5.grid(row=2,column=2) button6=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(6)) button6.grid(row=2,column=3) button7=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(7)) button7.grid(row=3,column=1) button8=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(8)) button8.grid(row=3,column=2) button9=Button(root,width=15,height=7,font=('Times 16 bold'),command=lambda: checker(9)) button9.grid(row=3,column=3) root.mainloop()
以上就是python实现简单的井字棋游戏的详细内容,更多关于python 井字棋游戏的资料请关注其它相关文章!
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暴雪近日发布了《魔兽世界》10.2.6 更新内容,新游玩模式《强袭风暴》即将于3月21 日在亚服上线,届时玩家将前往阿拉希高地展开一场 60 人大逃杀对战。
艾泽拉斯的冒险者已经征服了艾泽拉斯的大地及遥远的彼岸。他们在对抗世界上最致命的敌人时展现出过人的手腕,并且成功阻止终结宇宙等级的威胁。当他们在为即将于《魔兽世界》资料片《地心之战》中来袭的萨拉塔斯势力做战斗准备时,他们还需要在熟悉的阿拉希高地面对一个全新的敌人──那就是彼此。在《巨龙崛起》10.2.6 更新的《强袭风暴》中,玩家将会进入一个全新的海盗主题大逃杀式限时活动,其中包含极高的风险和史诗级的奖励。
《强袭风暴》不是普通的战场,作为一个独立于主游戏之外的活动,玩家可以用大逃杀的风格来体验《魔兽世界》,不分职业、不分装备(除了你在赛局中捡到的),光是技巧和战略的强弱之分就能决定出谁才是能坚持到最后的赢家。本次活动将会开放单人和双人模式,玩家在加入海盗主题的预赛大厅区域前,可以从强袭风暴角色画面新增好友。游玩游戏将可以累计名望轨迹,《巨龙崛起》和《魔兽世界:巫妖王之怒 经典版》的玩家都可以获得奖励。