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Windows 10 pricing remains up in the air



Windows10价格未定 真免费还是假免费?

Microsoft has bold ambitions for Windows 10: To power 1 billion devices by 2018. To achieve that goal, the company will let most users update to the new version at no charge for one year after Windows 10’s release.


After that, however, Microsoft doesn’t know what it will charge customers to upgrade -- or how it will deliver upgrades in the future.


Joe Belfiore said Thursday the company’s primary concern is getting the operating system onto a critical mass of devices as quickly as possible. How will people get their hands on Windows 10 after the first year? "I don’t know, " Belfiore said at a press event.


While Microsoft hasn’t claimed it would never charge customers to upgrade to its latest software, executives have put greater emphasis on casting the software as far as possible than on pricing. Users who update to will get "new features and benefits for a long, long time," said Belfiore. Those add-ons will include application and full OS updates, he added.


Microsoft is taking a big gamble with Windows 10: That Windows can become integral to every mobile device and every piece of software we use. That’s because the one operating system can run universal apps developed for any device.


The result is a very different strategy for how the world’s largest software maker delivers and sells its products. To that end, Microsoft has transformed Windows from a one-time software license into a perpetual service. It’s also making sure its applications can live on many different devices, even those not running Windows.


Uncertainty about Windows 10’s price tag may urge more PC users to upgrade sooner rather than later. Yet it also raises questions about the benefits and new features users can expect when they pay for Windows 10.


So how Windows 10 operate in the future? It will be "pretty similar to the model you see with phones," said Belfiore.



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